
Help us to improve our research in the Digital Library Mecklenburg-Vorpommern!

The Digital Library Mecklenburg-Vorpommern presents cross-disciplinary collections from archives, libraries, museums and universities in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. It makes these cultural-historically significant sources available free of charge for private and academic use. In order to enable a comprehensive full text search in these sources, an automatic text recognition is carried out, which means a software program "reads" the pages and converts all recognized letters and symbols into a machine-readable text.

However, this so-called OCR technology has its limits and does not always deliver correct results. This may lead to incomplete or incorrect search results.

How can you help?

We would like to invite you to participate in the review and correction of the automatically generated full texts and thereby improve the research in our Digital Library for yourself and future users. So why not register as a user in our library and use our crowdsourcing function, with which you can correct incorrect or unrecognised letters, symbols and text passages in the full texts.

In addition, you have the option of enriching our digitised material with additional content. For example, you can mark persons, organizations or places named in the documents and uniquely identify them by entering information such as birth dates, professions, addresses or geo-coordinates, thus making them easier to research.

How do you get involved?

  • Register with a valid e-mail address (to registration).
  • Select a digital copy for which you want to correct the full text or enter content.
  • Select the menu item Crowdsourcing > Collaborate on the digital copy in the bibliographic data display.
  • Correct the desired full-text pages or enter additional content such as persons, institutions or places.
  • After saving your changes, they are immediately available for research in the Digital Library Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

To help you with your research, you will find introductory videos on this page to make your work in our Digital Library easier.


Note to user

Dear user,

In response to current developments in the web technology used by the Goobi viewer, the software no longer supports your browser.

Please use one of the following browsers to display this page correctly.

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